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English Language Foundation Program at International University of Sarajevo

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo
English Language Foundation Program at International University of Sarajevo

Our internationally-accredited English Language program is an 8-month, intensive foundation program, covering from A1 to B2 on the Common European Framework for Languages scale. It is open to all candidates, focusing on the authentic use of the language.

English Language School

IUS English Language School is an integral part of the International University of Sarajevo, whose main purpose is to prepare students language-wise to study in an English-medium academic environment in as short a time as possible.

English Language and Literature

The aim of the English Language and Literature study program is to prepare students for the global market where English language is one of the most preferable communication choices.

English Language and Literature, Teaching

English is ranked in the third place, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish, in terms of number of people who speak the language.

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