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July 2023 Webometrics Ranking: IUS Maintains its Top Position as Best Private University in BiH

July 2023 Webometrics Ranking: IUS Maintains its Top Position as Best Private University in BiH

The July 2023 Webometrics Report has ranked the International University of Sarajevo (IUS) as the best private university and fourth top-ranked university in BiH. This report is aligned to the mission of the University to strive for excellence in higher education.

IUS has been maintaining its high position on this prestigious portal and in July 2023, IUS occupied 3909th position. This is a result of the continuous joint efforts of the IUS Management led by the IUS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yıldırım and its academic and administrative staff.

Webometrics is the largest world university ranking portal, which publishes reports based on independent, objective and free access to information. The report encompasses 31,000 world universities and ranks them according to the ranking indicators, their web presence and social impact. The ranking indicators are Visibility - Web contents Impact, Transparency (or Openness) - Top cited researchers and Excellence (or Scholar) - Top cited Papers.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina